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Warlord Ragnarok implements a 3 faction system, where these three factions will fight each other between factions, there will be many battles to be fought. And of course it won't leave behind the existing systems in Ragnarok itself, such as guild war, pvp, and so on.
Warlord has prepared many interesting events and quests that players will undertake. and what are you waiting for, let's play together in Warlord Ragnarok with the unique features that have been provided.

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A High Wizard has much more power than a regular Wizard, and at a much earlier level as well. Unlike the Wizard, it has Mystical Amplification, which will give 50% more MATK on the next offensive magic skill to be cast. This grants a High Wizard a lot more power early on, and has about equal the strength of a level 99 Wizard in their early 80's, maybe even a little earlier. With that skill, they can level in Magma Dungeon immediately with Priest without worry of having too little MATK.

Professor are the transcendent version of Sages. Through rebirth, Professor gain class-defining SP manipulative skills such as Soul Exhale, Indulge, and Soul Siphon. The two former skills enable Professor to act as endless sources of SP, which makes them a favorable class for party play. The third SP-manipulating skill, Soul Siphon, allows Professor to offensively eliminate all of their opponent's SP, making Professor a formidable class for PvP and WoE.

One shot, one kill! There is no better way to describe the Sniper. They specialize in precise and powerful ranged attacks. The Sniper is the master of the Bow. In a Sniper’s hands, the bow is a deadly instrument capable of dealing massive damage and carnage. They gained a new skill called Falcon Assault with the help of his lifelong friend, the falcon. When friendship strengthens, so does their power. They also have skills that amplify their bow mastery, as well as piercing arrow skills.

The voice of a Bard is laden with magical harmonies, singing hymns that invoke the ancient Gods of Asgard to instill fear in the hearts of his enemies and inspire his comrades to victory with songs of eternal youth and glorious charges. Where their female counterparts, the Dancers, are more bent on disruption, Bards specialize in support, which make them central in all defensive strategies during the War of Emperium.

Gunslingers are flashy and confident New Age warriors that rely on a wide array of guns and powerful skills to deal as much damage as possible in a short amount of time to their enemies. Gunslingers are always looking for a chance to show off their talent.

TaeKwon Master is a class for characters who have chosen TaeKwon Kid as their first profession and wish to continue in the ways of the TaeKwon. One of the most notable benefits that a TaeKwon Master has over a TaeKwon Kid is the ability to wield books to help deal more damage physically. TaeKwon Master is an unusual class in that the majority of their skills are bound to the celestial bodies of the Sun (Solar), Moon (Lunar) and Stars (Stellar), and are very restricted in their use.

The High Priest is the Transcendent variant of Priest. The High Priest is the epitome of spiritual calm. A bulwark in the storm of chaos, he is more than capable of protecting his comrades when faced with even the most ferocious enemy. Despite the many skills taught to them by the Priests of Prontera Church, they still need to learn a few more from the Gods themselves. Now able to create areas where no violence may occur, they are able to Heal more, Bless more and Serve even more. Their skills are truly gifts from God.

A Champion is the Transcendent variant of Monk. Known for the one-hit skill, Guillotine Fist. Champions are even deadlier in close range combat due to their boosted SP count and STR. Champions get mostly new combo-skills as their transcendental skills. Combo skills are mostly used for PvM but still can wreck havoc in PvP if executed properly.

Paladins are the Transcendent variant of the Crusader class. Aside from the HP/SP boost, the Paladin's defensive capabilities have not seen significant changes. They do receive many new offensive abilities which inspiring many INT-built Crusaders to become battle-built Paladins. For those Paladins who wish to continue as an INT-type build, the Battle Chant skill allows them to play a supportive role in large party settings, and the 20 additional skills points allow them to learn a much wider variety of skills.

Lord Knights get the most new skills of the Transcendent Classes: two skills that enhance their damage output, and three skills that deal damage and various status effects. If this isn't enough, they also get (beside the +25% HP) a skill that gives them on-par tanking ability to that of Crusaders in the form of Parry. Their ability to go Berserk unleashes massive damage while in a state of Frenzy. A number of defensive skills complement the Lord Knight's combat mastery.

The ninja class is fun and offers three types of roles to play: a magic ninja, a throwing ninja (now nerfed to be the weakest of the builds), and a melee ninja. Ninjas excel in the art of evasion with skills like Cicada Skin Shed and Mirror Image which prevent almost all non-magical damage from harming them. Their magic tree offers several fun spells that are unlike that of any other class (although nowhere near as powerful as the Wizard class spells).

Soul Linkers, despite their base being a melee class, are magic casters. Compared to Wizards and Sages, their spells are severely limited on what they can be used on, however, thanks to Mild Wind they can use powerful Holy, Ghost, and Shadow magic attacks, something that Wizards & Sages don't have. Depending on their skill build they must sacrifice something in one aspect or the other of the game, limiting them to only two choices out of PvM or PvP & WoE options. Although casters, Linkers, like Sages, can go melee.

The Blacksmiths sport damage equal to that of the trans 2nd classes(except their own trans class of course). Their only weakness lies in the fact that they only have 1 multitarget AoE spell (Cart Revolution) that has knockback and limited range, making it hard to target with. As a single target killer though, it is no doubt that this class shines bright as the leading killer. A Battle Blacksmith's main skills revolve around the theme of self-buffing to increase damage. The main offensive skills are Mammonite and Cart Revolution, which both can be learned as a Merchant.

Creator are a much stronger class than the Alchemists, provided there are sufficient funds and SP for the new skill Acid Bomb (often abbreviated to "AB" or "AD" as it is known as Acid Demonstration on some other official servers.). While Alchemists were more of a melee class, Creator have the option to level with a skill other than Cart Revolution and Mammonite. Many invest a great amount of their stat points into INT instead of AGI, and level with Acid Bomb or magic attacks from weapons (i.e. Fire Bolt through the weapon Fireblend) and Homunculi instead.

An elite group of Assassins. The Assassin Cross utilizes stealth and confusion in order to land the perfect killing blow. The Assassin Cross has a huge repertoire of lethal arts including ultimate mastery of poison-use, better than the original Assassin. With these new skills, the Assassin Cross now has a wide choice of brutal methods to overcome opponents. All without ever leaving the shadows...

A Stalker is the Transcendent variant of Rogues. Most melee classes try to avoid them like the plague in fear of getting fully divested and then clobbered by one of their many copied skills during WoE. Stalkers are geared more towards PvP and WoE, however most builds can do PvM just as well.